Comparing the effectiveness of music therapy, dance therapy and painting therapy on the level of mistrust/misbehavior schema of women with depressive symptoms

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Department of Psychology and Counseling, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran



The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effect of music therapy, dance therapy and painting therapy on the level of distrust/misbehavior schema in women with depressive symptoms aged 20 to 30 years who referred to counseling centers in Tehran. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of semi-experimental method with a pre-test-post-test design. The statistical population includes all women with symptoms of depression between the ages of 20 and 30 who refer to four counseling centers in the city of Tehran, among which 60 people who were eligible to participate in the research were purposefully selected and randomly divided into four groups ( 3 experimental groups and a control group) were replaced and the interventions based on the treatment protocol (music therapy and dance therapy, painting therapy) were performed in 8 sessions for the experimental groups and the control group did not receive any intervention. Yang's (1988) Inconsistent Schemas Questionnaire (short form of 90 questions) was used to check the hypotheses. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical indicators, covariance test were used. The results showed that there is no difference between the effectiveness of music therapy, painting therapy and dance therapy on the level of mistrust/misbehavior schema in women with depression symptoms aged 20-30 years old who referred to counseling centers in Tehran (p = 0.000). It can be concluded that since all three methods of music therapy, painting therapy and dance therapy are art therapy methods, therefore, all three methods have an effect on the mistrust/misbehavior schema, and at the same time, there is a significant difference in the degree of their influence. they don't have


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 29 December 2023
  • Receive Date: 09 December 2022
  • Revise Date: 05 August 2023
  • Accept Date: 29 December 2023